Bill’s fifty-two years old, has a mountain man beard, and delivers pizza on a fixie in Brooklyn. Over the course of several shifts, DELIVERY unveils an intriguing man rushing food to your door while it’s still hot and fresh.

Above and Below

Far, far away and out of sight, that’s where April, Dave, Cindy, Rick and the Godfather are creating life on their own terms. From the depths of the flood channels under Sin City, to a reclaimed military bunker in the middle of the dusty, heated Californian nowhere land to beyond the stratosphere where Mars now lives on earth. Each individual has been flung into periling circumstances on this rollercoaster ride called life. Through the hustle, pain, and laughter, we are whisked away to an unfamiliar world where we discover its inhabitants to be souls not unlike our very own.

Jung & Naiv: Millionen-Erbin Marlene Engelhorn über Besteuerung von Vermögen

Zu Gast im Studio: Marlene Engelhorn. Sie will 90 Prozent ihres Vermögens spenden und setzt sich für eine Vermögenssteuer ein. Marlene ist die Enkelin der 94-jährigen Traudl Engelhorn-Vechiatto, deren verstorbener Mann ein Urenkel des BASF-Gründers Friedrich Engelhorn ist. Wir sprechen über ihren Lebensweg, ihre Überzeugungen, über Armut und Reichtum in einer Demokratie, politischen Einfluss, Menschenwürde, Erbschaften, die Besteuerung von Vermögen uvm.

All the Streets Are Silent

In the late 80s and early 90s, the streets of downtown Manhattan were the site of a collision between two vibrant subcultures: skateboarding and hip hop. Narrated by Zoo York co-founder Eli Gesner with an original score by legendary hip-hop producer Large Professor (Nas, A Tribe Called Quest), ALL THE STREETS ARE SILENT brings to life the magic of the time period and the convergence that created a style and visual language with an outsized cultural effect.


Wir waren jene, die wussten, aber nicht verstanden, voller Informationen, aber ohne Erkenntnis, randvoll mit Wissen, aber mager an Erfahrung. So gingen wir, von uns selbst nicht aufgehalten.

Roger Willemsen

Was werden zukünftige Generationen über uns denken, wenn wir bereits Geschichte sind? In WER WIR WAREN blicken wir auf den gegenwärtigen Zustand der Welt und fragen uns im Geiste von Willemsens Vermächtnis, ob sie an uns verzweifeln werden. Sechs Denker*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen reflektieren die Gegenwart und blicken in die Zukunft.

Points for bloodletting (“breathing a vein”)

Feldtbůch der Wundartzney / Public domain

Bloodletting (or blood-letting) is the withdrawal of blood from a patient to prevent or cure illness and disease. Bloodletting, whether by a physician or by leeches, was based on an ancient system of medicine in which blood and other bodily fluids were regarded as “humours” that had to remain in proper balance to maintain health. It is claimed to have been the most common medical practice performed by surgeons from antiquity until the late 19th century, a span of over 2,000 years.

Paged Out! Magazine

ReFiend / Paged Out! Magazine

Paged Out! is a free experimental (one article == one page) technical magazine about programming (especially programming tricks!), hacking, security hacking, retro computers, modern computers, electronics, demoscene, and other similar topics.

Senet Magazine – Board games are beautiful

Senet is an all-new independent print magazine about the craft, creativity and community of board gaming. It’s for people who love board games, from those who are new to the hobby and just discovering it via gateway games, to veteran players and board-game designers. The magazine promotes board gaming as an art form. Each issue includes previews of the most exciting and intriguing upcoming games, features which explore the tabletop experience and the creative processes behind it, and reviews of the latest releases from both major and independent publishers.

Life in a Day 2020

On July 25th, 2020, people all over the world filmed their lives and shared their stories to be part of a documentary film. When all the submissions were tallied, the filmmakers had received over 300,000 videos from 192 countries.

The result is a stirring film about love, death, heartbreak, and hope that looks beyond geography and circumstance to explore what connects us as humans.